Monday 19 April 2010


My Media task is based on a music magazine, that i have produced to make it suitable and appropriate for all the conventions of a magazine. i decided to look at exsisting media products and compare it with my product that i have designed.

My magazine is aimed at, young males between the ages of 18-35 years old. My magazine is targeted at grime fans, the reason why i have choosen this particular genre is because I have an interest in that music. found a magazine called, RWD which is the only grime magazine. the magazine gave me ideas on what I could possibly do for my mag. i also researched other various magazines that are very different from the grime genre such as NME, Q and Vibe. These magazines are very popular in the UK.

My magazine that i designed was on Adobe indesign, Photoshop and Paint. these programs are very useful and are designed for editing. the pictures that i have taken were from my digital camera. the pics are from a london estate, where grime music is very popular in that estate. my front cover that i designed, was produced on adobe indesign. the colours that were used on the title on my front cover was, grey,red,blue, yellow,green and orange. the reason why i choose these particular colours is to attract the target audience, the font size was in capital letters. these was used to get the target audience

results of questtionaire

Results of questionnaire

Saturday 17 April 2010

Second textual analyses

Vibe is very succesful magazine launched by people inside the music industry, specifically the development side of things rather than the performance. Vibe is very rare because its launched by industry professionals rather than outsiders or hobbyist journalists. Vibe is launched by a accaliamed micheal jackson producer Quincy Jones who is very succesful critically commercially. Vibe circulation figures are approxiametely 800,00 almost 1 million. the reason why i presume vibe is very succesful is because of the backing of the legendary music producer and also the contact he knows, which he works withn the industry. Vibe is in partnership with Time inc, which is a very popular publisher. the magazine is targeted at young urban males, just like the music genre, Vibe ran a special on women in hip hop issue which is tergeting female audience. however the majority of covers target young males to adults. the age range would probably be around the ages of 18-30 years old.

Vibe realeses its magazine monthly, 12 times a year. The magazine above is a big rap special edition which was published in June 2009, it features Eminem who is a famous mainstream rapper.Eminem has won 170 awards, which includes 11 Grammys, 10 mtv awards and so on. Eminem has sold approxiametely 80 million records worldwide. The

The title Vibe is in capital letters, the word vibe is in bold which gives it an affect to the reader. the colour of the title is in red, which i suggest is a male colour and is used to make the magazine masculine. the colour of the artist on the left side is in the same colour as the title, it is printed in a large font, to attract the readers attention. underneath that header Eminem it says he comes clean, By this I assume the interview is related to his personal life, which means the readers get to know more about Eminem. I noticed just above the word Eminem, it quotes i almost died, this will make the issue more exciting Eminem fans to buy, the magazine above. The way Eminem stands in the

Thursday 1 April 2010

Music Magazine Quesstionnaire

Research questionnaire for music magazines


  1. Do you buy music magazines?

    Yes No


  1. What type of genre of music do you listen to?

Classical Rock Pop Rnb Rap Grime



  1. Do you download your music ?

Yes No


  1. Would you buy a magazine if it had a free gift ?

Yes No



  1. How much would you spend on a magazine ?

£3-£5 £5-£7 £7-£9


  1. What attract you to a magazine ?

Charts Images Colours Tours Competitions



  1. Who are your favourite artists currently?

    Justin Timberlake Jay-Z Prince Kano Wiley (other please specify below)





Monday 29 March 2010

Friday 26 March 2010

feedback on second draft of double page spread

i asked couple of students of their feedback, and they said that i should have more writing on my double page spread, and i should change the size of the photo and make it smaller. i should get rid of the box around the title, and that i should write more in the

second draft of double page spread

first draft of double page spread

the dps sketch

Friday 19 March 2010

Monday 15 March 2010

Comments on First Draft

I questioned a student about my front cover, and asked her whether she liked the front cover. she suggested that i should move my price tag

Thursday 4 March 2010

NME COVER Textual Analyses

Textual Analyses
NME is a very popular rock music magazine in the United Kingdom which has been published weekly in March 1952. It was the first ever British music magazine to include music charts.NME is one of the best - selling rock magazines in the country. NME sales approxiatimately this year are 74,206. NME realeases 28 magazinges a year.

This magazine issue above features, a rock band called manic street preachers a very popular group which orginates from Blackwood,Wales, which was formed in 1986.the rock bands latest album to be relased is called its not war - just the end of love is due to be realesed in june 2010.

the word NME is in capital letters, in the colour red which is the colour used in all of the nme covers. The name of the rock band is printed in a big, bold font. the letters R are backwards. underneath on that title it says. gear up for the gig of their lives. This means that the band are going to perform their best concert of their career. Underneath that title is says special guests, it features the current mainstream rock bands and popular ones, that are producing music nowadays. the biggest band out of that list is the Kaiser Chiefs, which are currently dominating the music charts. the gallicgraphy corprates the traditional manic street preachers logo from 1994 the holy bible album onwards, it is like brand awarennes id maintaned.

the circle on the left, is in the colour red which i presume this is a masculine colour, that colour also symbolises fire or danger, the colour is eyecatching. the layout of the front cover is quite traditional, because manic street preachers are the only band focused on the cover, it is not a collage of all the other bands listed. The header is designed to make the issue extra special, its the unique selling point is that it contains huge concerts advertised like within the magazine. the image is informal with the intimate personnal gaze of the band invinting the audience to attend their concert. 

the background is lacking to draw attention, to the importance of band members rather than distract from it. 

the magazine i would presume is aimed at young teenagers to young adults. i would presume the magazine age range would be between 18-33.

Thursday 4 February 2010

This is my new media blog, i am going to evaulate my products online. so far i have produced a cover for a college mag it can be seen here. i decided to get a digital camera, to take a photo of myself, and then upload the photo of myself on Photoshop. I later edited my photo, by putting the title and the headline of the magazine. i then decided yo do a contents page for my magazine. then i decided to make an evaulation.I was very, happy about my work ,that i produced.