Monday 19 April 2010


My Media task is based on a music magazine, that i have produced to make it suitable and appropriate for all the conventions of a magazine. i decided to look at exsisting media products and compare it with my product that i have designed.

My magazine is aimed at, young males between the ages of 18-35 years old. My magazine is targeted at grime fans, the reason why i have choosen this particular genre is because I have an interest in that music. found a magazine called, RWD which is the only grime magazine. the magazine gave me ideas on what I could possibly do for my mag. i also researched other various magazines that are very different from the grime genre such as NME, Q and Vibe. These magazines are very popular in the UK.

My magazine that i designed was on Adobe indesign, Photoshop and Paint. these programs are very useful and are designed for editing. the pictures that i have taken were from my digital camera. the pics are from a london estate, where grime music is very popular in that estate. my front cover that i designed, was produced on adobe indesign. the colours that were used on the title on my front cover was, grey,red,blue, yellow,green and orange. the reason why i choose these particular colours is to attract the target audience, the font size was in capital letters. these was used to get the target audience

1 comment:

  1. The evaluation is unfinished. I will give you 24 hours to correct that.
